Are you focusing on the big picture when you are managing your time? If you are focusing on the smaller picture rather than the bigger picture, you might want to sit down and review your time management scheme, plans and actions again.
There are two types of goals in time management. There are short-term goals and long-term goals and both require planning, action, and timeframes. Our short-term goals are often what we want to achieve in two or five years, but our long-term goals are our ultimate destination to success. Of course, we must look at our short-term goals through out the process of time managing our way to achieve our goals, but the big picture is where it is. Your can’t ignore one or the other. Goals are something set for our self, and strive hard every day to reach those goals. Notice I said “every day.”
I am a firm believer of standing up for what I believe in. If we do not take that stand, no one else is going to do it for us. Therefore, if you want to achieve your goals, then you better be looking at the big picture, while you are working hard every day to reach the smaller picture. This means you will not slack. I am not saying you can’t take a break, but that break had better be a rejuvenation to get back on track. Time management is tricky in most cases, yet it is simple in all cases.
If you are aware of your goals and abilities to achieve those goals, you have two main elements to obtaining those goals. If you are slacking in an area that delays your goal, then you have to find a solution to meet those goals requirements. For example, if your goal is to be a successful business owner over the course of ten years, and you are lacking knowledge, education and skills to obtain that goal, you know what you have to do. When you create that time management solution, then you will need to consider all aspects of life. This means you will factor in the good and bad in that time management scheme.
All right, now we are on a journey to open our own business in the next ten years. What do we need to meet those goals requirements? We need to focus on finance, time, energy, plans that work to meet the goals deadline, and what we need within to get what we will not from that goal. Let the journey begin!
Time management starts with goals, which is the terminal point of a competition. Keyword: Competition: we must strive very hard each day to reach our goal since we are in constant competition. If you have laid out a business plan, as the years progress you might find that the competition level has increased. We must also consider competitive price increase-decrease. In other words, you are saving money to reach a goal and realize that you have competitors. In your time management scheme is your plans to meet that goal, and your financial savings and budgeting is listed in this plan.
Did you factor in increase in advertising and marketing? How about the overhead of your business in the next ten years, once your business is up and running. What about the financial expenses to run your business smoothly, which will almost certainly increase over the next ten years as well as the expenses of providing for your family, and other need that may increase through this timeframe.
Now we can look at skills and education. Do you have the skills and education required to run the type of business you intend to open in the next ten years? If not you should deduct the cost and time of education in your time management scheme, and increase it by including productivity as a result of putting forth the efforts of meeting your goals.
How much energy and time are your willing to invest in meeting your goals deadline. If you are wasting time in one area of your life, you might want to add a year or two to your goal, and deduct money and time from your time management scheme.